Can Kamala Harris beat Donald Trump? Latest poll updates

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Harris has a 3.4-point lead over Trump in the latest average of national polls, collated by FiveThirtyEight.

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On average, Harris has been marginally ahead of Trump in national polls, though the race remains tight with variation in swing states.

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A new poll from Fairleigh Dickinson University also shows Harris beating Trump by seven points when participants consider race and gender.

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When voters focus on race or gender, Harris’ lead increases significantly. Without that focus, support levels out," the university stated.

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Following last week’s Democratic National Convention, Harris has surged ahead of Trump, according to USA TODAY.

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Harris is leading Trump 48 percent to 43 percent, which is an eight-point turnaround from June when the former president was ahead of Biden by four points.

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Research from the Cook Political Report shows that Harris has a lead in six out of seven states, with Trump holding strong in Nevada

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Overall, battleground polls have consistently shown that Harris has picked up momentum from her predecessor’s trailing support and is on track to lead Trump in some states

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